Sunday, July 29, 2012

Taiwan - Day 3

Every time I intend to write a long entry, I become very 词穷. Bah!
Anyway it took me 2 hours sorting (and reminiscing the trip) the Taiwan photos.
786 photos for a week’s trip! Lol.. not exactly a lot compared to my Beijing trip.

The first 2 days of our trip was spent entirely at the bridal shop and at kenting for our shoot.
First half of Day 3 was also spent at the bridal shop selecting our photos.
It wasn’t an easy task.. the photos were so well taken and we love all of them.
Ended up buying $2k+ of additional photos. Lol…
Anyway, we only got to travel out in the late afternoon on Day 3.

Took the railway out to Kaoshiung.

TSR tickets are seriously cheap!

Our first railway experience… MUST take photo! Haha..

Then, we took the MRT to 新掘 station where Shinkuchan Shopping Centre, Yuansu Yujhu Commercial Zone and Yencheng Kuchan Shopping Centre.

Easycard can't be used on Kaoshiung MRT yet so we had to purchase single journey tokens. Cute!

Honestly, I can’t differentiate the shopping districts.
They were situated side-by-side so its like a HUGE shopping zone to me. Lol…
Lots to shop but didn’t manage to buy a lot. Their dresses were too short for me. =(
Ate a lot as usual! LOL!


Green tea waffle

The ginormous chicken cutlet which we didn’t manage to eat in Taipei last year.

Seaweed flavor chicken cutlet

Continued our food trial at 六合夜市.
六合 is like the Kaoshiung version of 饶河夜市 in Taipei.
A long stretch of cart shops on both sides of the road.

It was extremely crowded… lots of mainlanders. -__-
Seriously… they are EVERYWHERE!
(extremely rude and rowdy group of people.. they kept pushing us and cutting our queues. EW!)

We already had a list of food that we had to try even before our trip.
Some of which we had already tried in our previous trip and had been craving for it.
1)     山猪肉 (top of our list)
2)     大肠包小肠
3)     胡椒饼
4)     竹筒饭
5)     懒人虾
6)     Mee sua

First to strike off our food list was大肠包小肠 which we did not try during our first trip.
Really filling and dabian didn’t like it. Not as good as I expected as well.

While we were waiting for my 大肠包小肠, this huge group of mainlanders chose to gather around us (I think to take photo of the food or something).
They were loud and pushy and kinda irritating… hmm… -___-

Queued for 胡椒饼 after that.
I have been craving for 胡椒饼 since 时尚玩家 advertised it. It was my favorite night market food at 饶河夜市 (last year).
And this store which I bought from was patronized by the President!
Lol… wasn’t really a big deal because many of the stores had 马英九’s signature.
I think he used to be the kaoshiung’s mayor or something? =/

I think we left the 六合夜市 shortly after that.
There wasn’t much to see/buy and we were already frustrated with the crowd.
That was probably the most disappointing night market trip. =(

Took the railway back to our minsu in pingtung.
Our last night stay at 星光大道