Sunday, July 29, 2012

Taiwan - Day 4

We moved over Kaoshiung on Day 4.
The hotel we stayed in was situated near the railway and MRT station.
Supposed to be a very convenient location but it wasn’t an easy feat for us to get there.
Because we were lugging our 床头照 which is 24” x 30” without the packaging (more on that in later post.. probably)

The hotel was well equipped and has the coolest shower facilities!
I love their shower jet function! Lol..

Headed out to Dream Mall after checking into the hotel.
Dream Mall is the largest shopping mall in Taiwan.. it has like11 floors of shops and an amusement park on its roof!!
We were told that 1 day won’t be enough for hard core shoppers.
But we finished shopping the entire mall in one afternoon. =)
(We are totally not the mall type of shoppers)

Us waiting for the free shuttle service

Cute shuttle bus!

Not too sure what this adorable mascot is but its all over the place! Lol..

Huge Doraemon outside the theme shop

Intrigue lightings and a classy coach defines the atas area of the mall

Half of the mall!

The highlight of the mall: Kaoshiung Eye (高雄之)

Only SGD 5+ per pax! Cheap or what?!

We took the HK themed capsule! CUTE!

Views from atop the ferris wheel

Dabian and the must-have bubble tea. LOL..
We were like bubble tea addict throughout the trip!
The weather was scorching hot and we just had to have something cold to drink!

Us having fun in the capsule =D

After the ride on the ferris wheel, we decided to check out the other shopping district near our hotel.
If you love wu fen pu, you will probably love hou yi shopping district.
It is situated right next to Kaoshiung railway station. Really convenient location.
And they sell clothes like in wu fen pu at warehouse price.
We probably spent more shopping time there than at Dream Mall. Lol.. (didn’t take any photos though)

The nights were our favorite!
Finally exploring the reknown 瑞豐夜.
Heard sooo much about it on variety shows and I was totally looking forward to it.
Sure enough… it lived up to it reputation.
Definitely one of my favorite night market.
We spent like 3 hours there!

It was massive! (and crowded.. but not many mainlanders ^^)
Rows and rows for shops… mostly food.
Its practically heaven for glutton like the both of us!
There were lots of cheap stuff to shop too!

爆浆虾 =9
Really good!! But I scalded my tongue slightly eating those too quickly.
Note to side: Eat whatever with the word 爆浆 with cautious.

Huge ass fried sotong. SO GOOD!
They were interviewed by the media before!

Finally found 懒人虾! *striking another item off our food list* =D

Freshly barbequed upon order.
It was soooo good! Secretly glad that dabian can’t eat prawns so the entire pack of prawns were mine! HAHAHA…

We found mee sua too!!! HAHAHA!!
I still prefer ah zong though!