Monday, October 19, 2009

Was freaking pissed off in office today! Seriously do not understand why some people can be so childish at their age!

请不要把自己想得那么清高!你以为自己很了不起吗?!F*** OFF BITCH!

Friday, October 09, 2009

I should have known that the recent fatigue was a warning to an illness.

Body temperature went up to above 38deg last night. Was feeling horribly ill (headache and body ache) in office yesterday but I didn't expect a fever. Went to see the family doc and was given a MC for today. =)

As usual, the fever subsided overnight. =/ Feeling so much better today besides the occasional headache and body ache. =)

Ah... was watching NEWS pacific concert this morning. After watching, no more body aches. Thanks to all the flailing and \ (^_^) /.

An apple a day, keeps the doc away.
Fangirling each day, keeps the doc away too. XD

Monday, October 05, 2009


就拿星期六来说吧。我竟然能够擦 eye cream 擦到一半就睡着。隔天早上,闹钟响了一个钟头也没听到。醒来时,双腿都麻了。因为双腿整晚都是悬挂在床外的。

不屈如此,星期五和昨晚也一样。不过比较好一些,因为我有擦到 moisturizer 的步骤才睡着。
