Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The lack of update deserves a massive entry, but not today. I’ll try to do it when I’m free.

Hadn’t been resting properly ever since I returned from the trip, even mum is worried that I tire myself. Fell asleep while watching the TV and using the computer for every single night since the trip. But I will always wake up in the wee hours to migrate myself from the living room sofa to my comfy bed. =/

I have been thinking a lot lately – about a very good friend. I’m worried for her, we all are. We had our suspicions long ago but we chose to believe the alternative. We didn’t expect the situation to levitate to such seriousness. I was in denial of the happenings even up till Saturday when things were already so plain. I kept telling myself, ‘no, they are only close friends.’ No matter what the others said, I kept my stand though I had uncertainties.

I had mixed feelings when she told us the truth – disappointed, disturbed, confused and very upset. What they are doing is morally incorrect, especially with what just happened approximately 2 months ago. I admit that I’m a lousy friend when it comes to consoling and counseling. I didn’t know how to enlighten her, I didn’t know how to console her, and I don’t know what to do with the entire situation.

I’m not good with words, but I want her to know that we all care for her. She is more than just a good friend, more like a younger sister to me. We don’t want her to be hurt in the future. Its better to end things now before she sinks in any further, it will be tougher to pull away if things drag on. It may be miserable but it is necessary, it’s the only right thing to do now, in my opinion.

I do not wish the incident to affect our friendship. We are not trying to be busybodies, we are purely concerned and I hope she will understand our 用心良苦. No matter what, we will always be there if she needs someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. I will volunteer my service. Whatever happens in the future, she will still have us to support her always.

Think of the consequences. Are you able to bear the consequences and the heartaches for those who really care for you? =(

I hope she is reading this right now……

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dad left for UK early this morning. He was already out when I woke up and he will only be back next week. =(

Dabian and I will be leaving for Star Virgo and Redang tomorrow. Meaning mum and bros will be all alone at home.... *worried*

Monday, July 20, 2009


Sorry I have to use this photo because this is the cutest I can find in the office folder. Anyway all the photos I have of SM are more or less like that so it doesn't make much difference! XDDD
Alright... finally found ONE decent photo of SM! This one is sooooo cute lah! =D

Faster faster come back from your Bintan honeymoon! *hugs n loves*

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Woohoo~! I took photos with Albert's new students - Felicia Chin and Tay Ping Hui. =) Both of them are learning how to skate for a new show and both if them are so nice and friendly!

Tay Ping Hui is damn cool! And he asked if I wanted a solo shot with him!!! Almost fainted from over-happiness! XDD Too bad he only came on friday. =X

Felicia Chin was down on Friday and Saturday. She is super duper pretty and friendly and sweet! Took many many photos with her! High dao~~!!!

Felicia, Bernice and Ping Hui
I heart this photo lah! <3

Ping Hui and ME!
OMG! Did I mention that he asked if I wanted a solo shot with him?!! *flails*

Dabian and Ping Hui
Dabian looks so short standing beside him!! XDDD

Felicia with S.H.E

Photos are uploaded on David's Flickr and Facebook. Special thanks to David for photoshop-ing away all my pimples and scars. =D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Many times I feel like strangling my teammates at work. They are all selfish individualist. Okie.. I shall not complain about my small work area since the new tables are expected to arrive next week. (I will really complain hard if I still remain at my current seat after a week!) But phone calls… it’s supposed to be everyone’s responsibility to answer the main line, not mine solely.

Imagine having to run to pick up the main line because no one wants to pick up, and almost having to trip over my own pedestal on the way. Absolutely fun! *sensed the sarcasm?* Anyone who knows me, will know how easy it is to make me doze off in the midst of almost anything. You don’t even need to know me very well to notice this. And you know what perks me up? Music and fangirl-ing – exactly the things I’m deprived of during work. What irritates me is that the others are able to blast their mp3 during work when I can’t. YAY! *rolls eyes*

I may be really free at work sometimes (well.. most of the time). You think I enjoyed it? No… you are so wrong. How I wish my colleagues at work are like the people at Skateline. Suddenly I miss working at Skateline even though I’m there almost every weekend. =X

On the side note, today is supposed to be a happy day! Well… I guess it is if I eradicate work related stuff totally. =)
1) Momo is finally back from Japan! Woohoo~! =DD
2) Today is Thursday!
3) I’m skating tonight! – so going to master wiper
4) Tegomass no uta was released yesterday and that I have already downloaded the album on mon XD

my current desktop wallpaper


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Curses. I'm having a pimples outbreak. Like all over the face! My face is now patches of red! Damn saddening lah. T_T

I thought the pimples were isolated only on the cheek and chin. Who knows it went bonkers and spread throughout the face. KNS!

The possible reasons to this tragic:
1) Lack of vitamin A
2) Dabian's pillow is dirty - I was hugging it while watching Kindaichi on Sunday
3) Insufficient sleep
4) Insufficient water intake

Highly likely it has to do with rest and diet, IMO. Therefore, starting from tomorrow, I'm going to sleep earlier (if possible) and take in more fruits and lefy vegetables! >_<
I have decided against back-blogging on the past week happenings. Because…
1) I’ve been busy
2) I’m too tired
3) I doze off in front of the laptop almost every night
4) I’m too lazy

Therefore, I’m just going to blog on the more significant stuff. =)

4th Jul 2009 (Sat)

Dabian managed to get the combined rehearsal tickets for this year’s NDP. 3rd time watching the NDP performance with dabian. =) Anyway the whole thing was really ‘rehearsal-like’. Not all the performers were wearing their costumes and some of the props were incomplete. =/

Us at NDP 2007! (2 years ago)

Us at NDP combined rehearsal 2009!

(Not much change yea. =X)

7th Jul 2009 (Tue)

7th Jul marks tanabata aka the star festival. I attempted to make my own tanzaku the day before but it wasn’t very nicely done. >_<

Anyway.. the best and most popular (in a fangirl’s mind) way to celebrate tanabata is to watch Tegomass’ tanabata matsuri’s PV over and over again! XDD And that’s exactly what I did. (Tegoshi is so cute lah!!! Massu too! )

Very Special Dates

Happy birthday to Massu (4th Jul) and Shige (11th Jul)!!!!~ Otanjoubi omedetou!!! =D

I’m really ashamed as a fan. I totally forgot all about their birthdays even though it was marked in my organizer. =S I will compensate by reading more of their stuff! LOL!! XPP


Friday, July 10, 2009

Due to inaccessibility to tagboards in the office, I must express my discontentment here.


Oh… the number of times I asked him to teach me slalom and the number of rejections he gave me. And he chose to skate on a Thursday when I can’t make it. So saddening lah. =((((



Agenda for today and the rest of the weekend:

1) Complete my report and speech (draft done)
2) Reply all tags and update my blog
3) Work, work and work
4) Spend (part of) bonus on online shopping \ (^o^) /
5) Gossip with my sisters (jy... please update us on *eehem eehem*) XD

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

It’s disheartening to know that keloids will never heal and that there are no available treatments to remove it entirely. That is to say that I will have to carry that horrible scar on my elbow forever? =(

It’s red, itchy and causes a piercing pain at times. AND IT’S SUPER UGLY! My arm is disfigured! =((

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Oh... there are so much to blog on. Shall do it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I'm exhausted. =)

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Work due on 5th Jun 2009 (Sun).
1) 3 mins speech – topic yet to be decided
2) Report on the relationship between forest growth and countries development
3) Kanji test

So much work to be done and so little time to complete. I blame it on my laziness, for dragging all these till the very last week. Therefore, I’m going straight home after work and spending some quality time doing my Japanese homework today. Got to complete at least one on the list tonight. (>_<)

After which, I should start doing up my notes, before the exam in August. Not forgetting JLPT 2 preparation – this year is going to be my last chance to pass JLPT 2. They are changing the syllabus next year and I’m very sure they are going to raise the standards.

I seriously hope what I have written isn’t just NATO. (>_<)

Feeling extremely sian studying Japanese these days. Tabun due to my work environment. Starting to lose interest in the language. =/

P.S.: HAPPY 58th MONTHSARY to dear dabian! =D