Monday, November 30, 2009

I’m dead exhausted. Slept throughout the journey to work, standing. That’s a feat I haven’t been able to accomplish for the past few months (I usually read / play games).

Time now: 10:40am. And I’m already feeling half dead. The bottle of chicken essence and ginseng pills I took before starting work isn’t showing its effect. Probably overwhelmed by the weariness.

I’ve never had very dramatic PMS before, until lately. I’m not referring to stomach cramps (simply blessed for not experiencing it before) and sudden mood change (sudden mood change is a typical nature of a female even when we are not PMS-ing, IMO). I’m referring to sudden pimple outbreak and fatigue (probably the best explanation to my tiredness).

By sudden pimple outbreak, I meant pimple popping out during a 10~15mins afternoon nap. The pimple didn’t exist before my nap but it was already swelling red when I woke up from my short nap. And it isn’t exactly small, it’s quite big okie! Siao-ness!

Drafting this entry during work. There isn’t much to do since so many people are on leave. My thoughts drifted to the worrying weather condition in China when I read Tricia’s email. Then I thought of Mo, Tricia and her family. All of them are in Japan now where the weather condition is equally bad. Rather worried if mo brought enough clothing because she told me she is only bringing her trench coat and long sleeves. (>_<)

Ahh… I can’t wait for mo to return. She is helping me to get the new egg and NEWS Diamond. NEWS Diamond… Tegoshi is high school girl outfit! That’s definitely something to look out for. I heard that there are lots of tegopi rabu rabu scenes too. *grins* Oh… and the new egg. It’s going to be so different from the previous ones! =)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Weekend business has never been so good for a long time. Today's crowd was too scary for the 3 of us. Imagine having to speak (almost) non-stop from 2.30pm till 7pm. Zheng Yang and I hardly had the time to rest before another wave of crowd (of course, mini-er than the afternoon one) hit us at around 7+pm. DJ had to help us attend to enquries too. It feels good to see the people coming back. =)


28th Nov 2009 (Sat)

Cindy's birthday celebration at her place. SM, Weijie, Joc and I went over to help out earlier. Actually, we didn't really helped much. (>_<) Played Jenga while waiting for Cindy's guests to arrive. When her guest arrived, SM and I became her photographer-for-the-day. Of course, SM is the more professional one, I only managed to blind people with my blinding flashlight. XDD

I'm glad Cindy had fun during her party. We truly enjoyed ourselves too. It was a great opportunity for us to catch up with each other. =)


27th Nov 2009 (Fri)

Hari Raya Haji. As usual, the skateline peeps gather for a karaoke session at TopOne. I'm not sure why but I wasn't really in the mood for singing that day. Probably PMS. *shrugs*

Anyway, the karaoke session was a cover-up for weijie's birthday celebration. We suprised him with a cake when he arrived. I'm glad he liked it. =) After the karaoke session, dabian and I went for dessert with DJ and angelic at Ah Chew. =9


Momo has flew for Japan. I hope she is enjoying herself there. =) Remember to update us when you return yo!


Too too too tired to blog. Concussing any moment now..... *yawns*

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I’ve got nothing much to do in the office recently. It’s quite usual for me to be so free during an event preparation. =/

Unfortunately, I’m seated right in front of the president. If not, I would have studied for JLPT during my free periods. Better than wasting time trying to dig for work. =/


同僚: 今日学校(がっこう)へ行きますか。
私: ええ。。がっこうえ?何これ?

OMG lah… 我竟然退步到这种简单的字句也听不懂。真是惭愧!T_T

Monday, November 23, 2009

どうしょうかな?! 副社長によると、明後日NTTComからの高校生がNTTSを訪問し、私は周りをもたらす。でも、私の日本語は本当にダメだよ。全然自信がない。T_T

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I have no life. Seriously.

Super sian with the weekly rountine. Work has made me a really dull person and I guess thats why friends are drawing away from me. The harder I try to be nicer to people, the more I seem to irritate/annoy/offend people.

But no work means no money. I have no idea where my money disappears to every month. I'm always pretty poor at the end of the month. I need to save for studies next year.


I only found out that Yamapi's sister is of my age today. Unbelievable!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Yipee! End of JCS exams. This year’s paper is probably the hardest ever. The bunpou was non-doable, the oral was a killer and the listening was horribly hard to understand. I simply doubt that I can make it to the graduation ceremony at Carlton Hotel on 17th Dec. But whatever lah.. as long as I did my best.

The next worrying matters are JLPT 2 and the cold weather in China.

I’m having that same something-is-poking-into-my-lung feeling again. As if something is prodding underneath the lower half of my right ribcage. Massaging doesn’t even help ease the pain. I hope it just goes off after awhile like before. Previously, it took only a day to shake off the discomfort.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mugging... mugging... mugging... mugging... mugging...

Attempting to squeeze in as much info as possible before 8pm tonight. Now I'm regreting not paying more attention in class.

Anyway I've finally got a new hairdo. I look like china girl now. (>_<)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Really really late entry.

I'm left with only half an hour or so.... to wish my dearest dearest dearest darling TEGOSHI. <3

*Sending flying kisses* <3<3<3<3<3<3

I really wished I did something special to celebrate his birthday... like bake a cake, do up some picspam, etc. But I didn't managed to do anything of this sort. I could only come out with this really simple-to-do collage of Tegoshi within such short time frame. Gomen ne... tesshi. =(

Loves Tegoshi as much as Dabian!!!! <3 *Blushes*

Sharing one of my favourite Tegoshi's birthday post from a fellow Tegoshi-lover. Thank you faith_alive. =))


Reason why I couldn't celebrate Tegoshi's birthday in proper... ... Exams.

His birthday marks the first day of JCS exam. =( Report writing today, written paper on Friday, oral on Sunday and listening next Thursday. AND I have not started studying in proper!!! (WTH!)

I think my body is reacting really badly to the exams. Firstly, sudden illness that recovers as quick as it comes. Secondly, bad rashes/pimples/redness on my cheeks, forehead, neck and chest. Thirdly, stomach bloatedness that doesn't seems to go away. Fourthly, feeling nauseous and dizzy. Lastly, extreme fatigue. (-____-)

Kami-sama... Please give me a easy paper on Friday and a easy oral question on Sunday!!! =X