Monday, April 17, 2006

As you all know it was skateline's birthday yesterday. Since I was the only one working today, I had to clear the mess. The whole place was super duper messy when I opened the store. I had to move and rearrange everything (they are all heavy stuff) myself. Though dabian was there to accompany me in the morning, I didn't want him to help because I was the one working. I cleared the mess despite skin-peeling hands, bruises and backaches. Yet instead of thanking me, I got scolded by the office and complained by a customer.

Okie.. I admit its my fault to close the shop early. I called my IC beforehand but she didn't pick up the phone! It was raining very very heavily and in most of such situation there weren't be a single customer. Also, the next door aunty went home early too. I was all alone in Bishan Park. Can you imagine how scary and dangerous it is for a girl like me?!! Plus... my manager once said that if its raining heavily and there isn't sales for the day, it's alright for me to close the shop early.

I'm really upset about this incident. Guilty yet pissed. It makes me wonder why am I working so hard for.

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