Saturday, April 10, 2004

Did a bit of self reflection just now. Can't believe just a few years, I've change so much. From that quiet and shy girl, I've become some aggressive, violent, rebellious girl. Don't seem so? Well... that's exactly what I am at home. Like I've told Jac before. No one at home can be more fierce than me besides dad. Good thing? *shrug* Had a quarrel with my mum just now. She was shouting at me. If she did this years ago, I will probably end up crying. But instead, I pretended she isn't there and ended up laughing. Man... this is scary. Since when did I changed to be like fisherman? The worst thing is, I realized whenever I'm mad at my brothers, the long finger nails come very handy. Violent bird? I don't know. I don't think properly when I'm angry, I don't even remember what I do.

All of the sudden, I've some really crazy idea. You know those stars in rock bands? Think I had too much influence. I'm so tempted to go for a lip piercing like that guy in Blink 182. Haha... And yes... a third earhole... been wanting to go for that for a long time but no one wants to go with me. I'm also very tempted to dye my hair in some really wild colors. Then, I'll apply black nail polish like those Chel has. That will really piss my parents. How cool...!

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