Sunday, June 17, 2012

Safra Runway

Finally participated in my first Safra Runway event!
Worked through the event at BSP for the past few years.
Cycled instead of skating because I wanted to be in the same lane as dabian. <3

Woke up dead early to prep for the event.
Slabbed on tonnes of sunblock.
Seriously can't afford to suffer sunburn or tan right before our photoshoot.

Collected our bike, all ready for the event.

Visited the skateline booth and caught up with the people there.
I miss skateline! =D

It was a really relaxing ride.
The weather was kind to us. In fact, it was cooling!
We completed the course slightly more than an hour. Lol... that's actually quite slow.
The fast cyclist were completing their 2nd lap when we completed our 1st.

Take a look at my finisher medal! Endurance challenge sio!!
Lol.. that medal is actually dad's.
He did the endurance challenge which was an insane 45km ride, dabian and I did only 15km. #loser

Us with free candy floss and super bright sun

No idea why dad and his friends were not hungry after the event, we were starving!
Bought ock, binged on unhealthy food like crazy.
Then head over to Wafflelicious along Thomson  for YUMMY waffles for brunch.

Strawberry waffle with maple syrup

Banana waffle with macadamia gelato and choc chips

The waffles are definitely one of the best I've tried!
Soooo going to go back for more soon! =9