Monday, July 30, 2012

New job

Taking a break from the Taiwan posts.
A little update of the recent happenings.

So... I finally left NTT.
Been with the company for 4 years and 4 months.
Long and memorable period.

Joined the company right after poly and have grew with the company since.
I'm glad to have met all the right people who helped me along the way.
I thank my boss for her patience and grooming.
She pathed my career for me and I'm grateful for that.

The great friends I made, I will never forget.
Thanks to them for making my experience at NTT memorable.

The only photos I have from the farewell lunches. =)
(forgot to take photos with my lunch kakis)


Feeling sorry to leave my team mates during this tough period - renovation, increment, etc.

It has been a week at my new workplace.
Doing well so far... still learning the ropes from my 'seniors'
Gotten used to waking up earlier. =)

Don't know what ill coincidence this it... but something always happen when I start a new job.
My voice was hoarse (almost voiceless) during my first week at NTT.
This time, I'm having some kind of unknown skin problem.

We (the doctor and I) thought it was some kind of insect bite at first.
But we couldn't pin-point as to where I got them from.

This was how it looked like before it got worse

The doctor gave me some medication to consume and apply.
The spots got better initially but became worse after a week of medication.
It was extremely bad!

The spots at it 'prime' stage
It swelled and itched like crazy.

Went back to see the doctor and had a jab to stop the swell and itch.
Changed the entire set of medication.
Now, we suspect its eczema and not insect bite.

How it looks like now... this is just the front.
The back is equally bad. In fact, the spots at the back are larger.
Though, it no longer itches and the spots are lightening, its still so ugly =(