Monday, December 29, 2008

Go try the Johnny's Ranker! =D

Check out maple's NEWS ranker here! The results is so predictable. >_< *bias-ness*

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Back-blogging. =) *while fan-girling at the same time*

Hmm... there should be around 4-5 back-entries up tomorrow. =/ *roars!*
*looks at the time and gasps* I didn't know its already so late! O_O

Saturday, December 27, 2008

This is going to be a long post. =D

Skateline Amazing Race 2008

Instead of the monthly SNS, we had the very first Skateline Amazing Race! =) Purposely took halfday off from work for the event.

Meeting point: SMU. ZongYang gave me a lift from BSP (since he was there in the morning). Heard alot about his driving skills from Darren and Aloysius. First time experiencing it... cho kowaii~! >_<

Before we started. At the gathering point...

Yes. It says no roller blading. BUT we are inline skating, so its okie.
They should at least get the term right before putting up such notice! >_<


Anyway, I was kinda bu shuang initially because they changed my team! *roars*
Demo.. I had a wonderful/great team. <3

My team. =)

Leader: Terrence
Members: Jack, Susanna, Jing Yi and Bernice
SO: Siew Ying!!! =D
Game Play: Answer the puzzles given. Take a group photo with the answer and call for a bonus question.


Our first question was: Where is the former central post office? (not the exact question, but somewhat similar)
Answer: The Fullerton Hotel
Bonus question: What was is used for during the war?
Answer: Light house
Remarks: This must be a give away question. I knew the answer the moment I read it! =) But the bonus question was.. hmm... no idea.

Us at The Fullerton!


Question: Where is the oldest surviving christian church?
Answer: The Armenian Church
Bonus question: This was the first building in Singapore to have ____?
Answer: Electricity
Remarks: We got this correct by sheer luck. We were on our way to Raffles Hotel (one of the answers), when we saw this church. Lucky! =D The bonus question was also X_X. I made wild guesses like 'election' and stuff. Hahahs..

David was trying to distract my team... when I was reading the plaque. Good try! XP

Us at The Armenian Church!


Question: Where was the former St Joseph Institution located?
Answer: Singapore Art Museum
Bonus Question: When was St Joseph founded?
Answer: 1852
Remarks: No one knew the answer! We asked around for it. =) The bonus was a give away because the answer was carved on the building structure!

Us at The Singapore Art Museum!


Question: Singapore Sling originated here.
Answer: Raffles Hotel (Long Bar)
Bonus: This place was the home to the oldest girl's school in Singapore. The school is now located at Farrer Road.
Answer: St Margarets
Remarks: It was luck again. I happened to read about Singapore Sling being invented in Long Bar while searching for a ideal location for the company's Year End Party.
As for the bonus question.. if they did not mention the farrer road part, I wouldn't have guessed St Margarets. =)

Us at Raffles Hotel!


Question: Where is the first Satay Club located?
Answer: Shaw Tower
Bonus: What was the first two theatre located here?
Answer: Marlborough and Alhambra
Remarks: Really KNS question. Asked lots of people for the answer. We went to Espanade at first but the hawkers told us we got the wrong place. Bought a clue for this question. *David followed us to Shaw. He was surprised we knew the answer and was trying to distract us all the way! >_<* Bonus was screwed. None of us have ever heard of those theatres!

Super BS face upon reading the clue. Wasted 3 points for it sia!

Us at Shaw Tower!


Question: The Tao Nan Hokkien School was located here.
Answer: The Peranakan Mesuem
Bonus: What was the building called before its current name?
Answer: Asian Civilisation Mesuem
Remarks: Could have had answered this question earlier. =X *inside story* Nobody knew the answer but somehow we knew its located at Armenian Road. Answer for the bonus question was on the plaque. =D

Us at The Peranakan Museum!


Question: This place used to Singapore Municipal Building?
Answer: That building next to the old Supreme Court (no idea what its called) =X
Bonus question: The name of the country that invaded Singapore during WWII and the meaning of the name in its native language.
Answer: Japan. The land of the rising sun.
Remarks: No one knew the answer! *I have no idea what a Municipal Building is. =X* Bought 2 clues for this. T_T Thats 7 points leh! The bonus was 超簡単しまった~! 毕竟 I have been studying Japanese for 4 years! >_<

Us at the building next to the old Supreme Court!


Other questions (not in order):

Question: What is the oldest bridge in Singapore?
Answer: Cavenagh Bridge
Bonus question: Number of cat statues there.
Answer: 3
Remarks: Thanks to variety shows! Knew the answer from a variety show I watched long ago. Bonus question... also from variety show. Confirmed by Terrence who skated over to count. =)


Question: This fountain that was build to commenmorate the first waterwork in Singapore
Answer: The Tan Kim Seng Fountain
Bonus question: Number of Es on the plaque
Answer: 22
Remarks: Hoho... covered a chapter on the Tan Kim Seng Fountain during primary school chinese lesson! XD Bonus was a waste time question. Found out from David after the event that the question was given just to delay our time, none of the officials knew the exact answer. -___- We really went to count the number of Es!


Question: Name of the company that owns the reverse bungee
Answer: G-max (can't really remember the answer)
Bonus question: Number of colours on the windows of MICA
Answer: 6
Remarks: How to not know where to find the answer?!! There is only one bungee thingie in Singapore! The bonus question was another waste time question. -___- We really went to count the number of colours... even counting the number of shades per colour! *roar*


Conclusion: Our group was the last to return. We reached the ending point on the dot! BUT we were the only group with all correct answers! =)

The last 3 questions was completed within the last 30 mins. Route: Shaw Tower (Beach Road) > Peranakan Meseum (Armenian Road) > Supreme Court (St Andrew's Road). O_O Totally out of the way! Chiong-ed our way to the ending point! Tired-ness!

Had a really really fun time! =D I think I skated more than any SNS during this event. I heard there is going to be another one next year! Can't wait!!! XD


The Winners! =D

Prize: The Skateline Chair. (My 3rd Skateline Chair! Hahahahas...)

P.S.: Mike pointed out that I was on the phone in most of the photos. Hmm.. nope I wasn't cheating. We were trying to save time by calling for the bonus questions while taking photos. Hahahahahas....! We were very behind time! >_<

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas! =D

X'mas eve

Spent my christmas eve afternoon with mo-zi and dabian. Our initial plan was to go for japanese karaoke at Apollo Centre. To our dismay, the entire building is undergoing a major renovation. AND the orchard branch was fully booked. T__T

We didn't give up our karaoke desire. >___<
We headed over to Liang Court's Patry World for 2 hours of singing! Lovely! XD

Dinner was spent with dabian's buddy. Had seafood near Sembawang Shopping Centre. After which, we headed over to sc's place.

Mahjong-ed at sc's place till 2am! I heart mahjong! XD

We didn't have a proper countdown. But wished each other halfway through mahjong. (there were people woo-hoo-ing outside) Mahjong through Christmas! Perfect! =DD


I was being pig on christmas. Slept in till late... like 2pm. O_O

Went over to dabian's place to watch gachi baka. Woo hoo.. Tegoshi ai! <3
That drama was so long ago. I seriously fail as a fan. =((

Dinner-ed at dian xiao er with dabian and parents. Sweet! =)

Boxer Day

Took half day leave from work to register for FA class at JCS. Ah... with my 'hui huang' results, how to survive FA class ar?! =X

After the registration, mo and I went for Karaoke at Liang Court again. O_O Like for the second time of the week. Karaoke-ed for another 4 hours was total shiok-ness! XP

Mo-zi! (^O^)y

Met up with dear jac after our karaoke session, for dinner. =D

My lovely jac and mo-zi. =))

Dinner was at Menya Shinchan at Robertson Quay. Long long walk from Liang Court.
(Maple hates that underpass towards Robertson Quay. It reeks of Ammonium. Eww!)

We 'camwhored' while waiting for our food to come. Well.... I was muddling with my cam most of the time. =/
I hate my cam's night mode and flash. *roars!*

Jac and me. Taken by mo with her Sony.

I have a similar photo on my Lumix. But it was horribly taken. =(

Ho ho ho... our food finally arrived. Looks yummy huh. =9

Mine! Spicy pork bone ramen (light).

Jac's! Soy sauce pork bone ramen (light).

Mo's! I can't remember what it was. >_<

Finished food. I like the gyoza. (left one tiny piece in the middle of the photo)

I thought the food tasted yummy! BUT both mo and jac didn't really like it. =S

Anyway, I met Sato-san at the restuarant! O_O
So qiao lah! Apparently, he stays around that area.

Jac is always so sexy! *wolf whistles*

Had a lovely time with jac and mo. =) MERRY CHRISTMAS! =D

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I almost died (from excessive nose bleeding) while reading more fanreports. >_<

Points to
Thanks for the awsome fanreport! =)

Omg.. I wanna see Tegoshi in dress! I wanna see Tegoshi acting all girly!! I wanna see Tegoshi undies too!!! >_<

I think I'm going Tegoshi crazy. *blowing flying kisses to Tegoshi* =3 <3<3<3
He is so adorable lah! Daichuki!!

Off to practise some songs for tomorrow's karaoke session with mo-zi and dabian. =D
'NEWS-ing' tomorrow! *giggles*
Minutes ago... maple was reading NEWS Nagoya show fanreport.

Ahhh!!! Tegoshi imitated Tsuyoshi during Nagoya con! >_< I wanna see!!! Its like... my idol imitating another idol of mine. I wonder if Tegoshi imitated Tsuyoshi's ossan-ness! XD

Hahahas.. I'm not thinking straight right now!

Their gift exchange was so kawaiiiii lah!!
Pi - Boots > Massu (boots is so Massu.. XD)
Ryo - 18kg of rice > Pi (because Pi wanted a weird gift! hahahas!!)
Tesshi - iPod > Shige (I want x'mas pressie from Tesshi too! T_T)
Massu - Bag of toe socks > Kei-chan (in fact everyone received toe socks from Massu. >_<)
Kei-chan - Rice cooker > Ryo (he is hinting Ryo to cook for him?!?!!! =/)
Shige - Honey > Tesshi (so sweet of him! =) Tesshi's throat needs honey.. so that he can sing me love songs!)

How come no Tego-*which ever member* rabu scenes? T_T
I like RyoTego! Hahahas!!!

*Maple is happily downloading shounen club x'mas special! =D*

Monday, December 22, 2008

Fan-girling! =D

I love NEWS in Myojo and Poporo Feb 09 issue! ROAR!
(I think I say that every month. =/)
Hmm.. for the sake of my wallet. I shall wait for the sea shipment patiently. =)

Ahh... shounen club christmas special today. Must download!! >_<
Music station special live this friday. Must watch!! Yaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!! *madness*

Anyway... Tsuyoshi Domoto to atama no naka is releasing on 12th Mar 09! *excited-ness*

Taken from CDJapan:
FINEBOYSにて大好評連載中の「堂本剛 宇宙人に逢いたい」がついに単行本化決定! 堂本剛の頭のなかをスキャニング! 『堂本剛 自然体オフスタイル 東京』としてスタートして約4年・・・東京、横浜、パリ、そして故郷・奈良。気の向くままに歩いた連載の軌跡とともに、30歳直前のファッション観、人生観をたっぷり投入。単なる総集編を超え、装いも新たに、ファッションでライフなSPECIALブックとして生まれ変わる! ★語り下ろし! ロングインタビュー収録 ★蔵出し! 連載未公開カット、多数掲載 ★加えて! 全スタイルに「どつよ着こなし解説」 ★大増量! モードの街・パリ編&故郷・奈良編 【仕様: A4判 オールカラー/112ページ】※本商品の発売日は予定です。メーカーからの入荷状況により、お届け日が前後する場合がございますのでご了承ください。

I must get this! >_<

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy birthday to Noel! =D (25th Dec 08)

The 21st birthday celebration was held at Osim Tower Level 8. Poolside party yo! =) Really beautiful place! =D

The pretty birthday girl. =)

We got her a Baby-G watch. Wrapped under 21 layers of wrapping paper + newspapers. >_<

Noel's guestbook. Since we reached super early, we were the first to jot down our wishes. =)

Brian was the first to put words in the guestbook!

Everyone started with 'hmm.. what to write in it huh?!' But all of us wrote a full page each. =)

I was sitting directly in front of sm. Hmm.. that explains her expression. XP

My lovely Cindy

Noel's birthday cake is oishii! Yummy! =9

Tastes of rich chocolate with a tinge of yam and durian smell. No idea where the durian smell came from. =/ Its supposed to be a chocolate cake!

Class photo! =) Happy birthday Noel! (^o^)

*Loves dabian*

While waiting for the cake cutting session, all of us were having fun at the club house. Table tennis, fusball, pool, television and massaging chair! =D Thanks to Noel for the invitation. I hope she enjoyed herself too. =D

Friday, December 19, 2008

Company's Year-End Party at Le Baroque at Chijmes. I do hope everyone enjoyed it. It wasn't easy planning this party. =X

The committee members (aka Corporate Team) with Caroline

I (secretly) like this photo taken by Angelia. Hahahas.. >_<

Our Santas! (Nick and Hinami-san)
They are so cute lah! Both of them were dancing (more of shaking side by side) backstage while boss, VP and their band were performing in front.

Us with the Santas... in the gents. O_O
I swear the gents was empty besides us!

Sm, me, Lionnel and Fujinami (ex-colleague). =)
Fujinami came back for a day's meeting dake. Ah... kakoii deshou?!
I think he looks like Domoto Koichi. =/

Koi-chan! *loves* *blushes*

The fake Koi-chan! That specs... chotto... =S

Fujinami and me! =) Its so hard to take a proper photo with him! *grumbles*

P.S.: Boss really play very well on drums! I'm very impressed!

P.P.S.: Kuwabara-san plays well on guitar too. He was super high throughout the entire performance!

P.P.P.S.: The pre-performance photos are hilarious. Boss loves cute when putting on make up. *giggles* >_<

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

JCS graduation ceremony at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce. =)
Believe it or not... I passed the exams. Lalalalas... of cos with 'hui huang' results, as usual. XP

With Candice, Neko and Mo. =)

The sensei. This is the clearest and the best photo I have of the sensei. =)
The sensei were dressed up and are all so pretty! *points to kimono and cheong sum*
No. 1-3 taught me before. (No. 2 is the super genki sensei who took me for JLPT prep class)
No. 4-5 took me for exams before. >_<

Hai hai! This is Mr. Makoto Yamanaka, Ambassador of Japan to Singapore.

Mo-zi and me with my 'hui huang' cert. XD

Neko and I with Mr Top Scholar at the back. Mr Top Scholar is from our class. =) Hence, we are the class of Elites. Hahahas..

With Liu Miki Sensei. Thank for the guidance for the past one year! =)

With our super genki JLPT prep class sensei. *forgot her name T_T*

We have been in the same class for 3 years yo! \ (^o^) / Excluding Candice (4 years) and Mo (6years).

Last but not least, a class photo. =D

Monday, December 15, 2008

I thought I could handle customer's complain well after so many year in retail line. Apparantly not.

HELLO! Don't give me shit when I'm already having a bad day since the moment I woke up!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

KyaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! \ (^o^) /

You can imagine my reaction when I saw this on Johnny-net >> Kinki Kids ニュ-シングル 『約束』2009年1月28日発売決定!!

Like finally! A release after so long! >_<
I can't wait to get it!! Meows!!! =DD

I think this sounds stupid BUT... does anyone knows how to read Jweb besides using a ketai denwa?! *looks at mo-zi with puppy eyes* I wanna read YamaPi's first hand! I'm always reading the translated one. =(( I like the way he says 'konbachiwa'!!! XP

Oh oh oh.. I saw uso uso book online. Wondering if they sell it at Kino. =/ Shall go search for it when I go collect my magazines. Speaking of which, my magazines are still not here. >_<

Random thought >> Tegoshi is 21, I'm 20. Tegoshi once said he wants to get married at 26, I always say I want to get married at 25. I think thats fate.. we were made for each other. (^o^)V *HAHAS... just kidding. >_< I still love my dabian!*

A little update. I passed my JCS exam!!! =DDD YIPEEEEEE!!! ROAR!!! XD
You can imagine my joy when I received the invitation letter to the graduation ceremony. I was hopping around like mad! Mum thought I went crazy. HAHAHS!!

Prepared my dress for the graduation ceremony. =) Hmm... should I continue with further advanced? Its abit wasted to quit now. But its very tiring to continue studying. =//

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Omg.. I wished I was at Oita con. I wanna yell 'Daichiki NEWS!' too. \ (^o^) /

Ryo and Tesshi chuu-ing in the middle of the show?!!?!!! How can I miss that?!! I hope someone post some piccies on it! *Secret wishing JE will publish RyoTego rabu scene in the con's DVD* >_<

Anyway.. have I mentioned that I love Massu's new hair?! Its so boy-ish! =) Tesshi has a boy-ish hair too. Tegomass is going to look so cute together with their new hair styles. ROAR!!! =D

JLPT is FINALLY over! \ (^o^) /
The paper was do-able. But I have got a feeling that I might have to re-take the paper next year. The grammar part was a killer.
Anyway.. its over. I can finally rest well tonight! =)

Had to rush over to Catherine's wedding after JLPT. Woah... the queue at Raffles City's taxi stand was scary, thanks to the participants of Standard Chartered Marathon. I had to walk all the way to Marina Square to get a cab.
Anyway, Catherine is so pretty today! *Like duh.. its her big day!* I think the yum seng part was cute, especially the last one. =))

Just came home from Huiting's 21st birthday party. Dinner at Guilin Restuarant.
I wish she enjoyed herself today. =))

3 major events today. *whistles* I exhausted! Both my legs and back are sore. Yawns... I think I going off to bed soon. Got to send my laptop for fixing tomorrow.

*Maple is downloading FNS* =D

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

OMG! Wish-chan updated her New Trials! \ (^o^) /

I thought she gave up writing the New Trials because there wasn't any update for almost 2 years (Sept 05 - Aug07)! I stopped checking her website since... ... Who would have guessed that she has been actively posting new chapters for the entire year?!!!

After my JLPT, I must read the New Trials!!! Its gonna take me weeks to catch up! The last chapter I read was Chapter 50 and Chapter 59 is already out!! O_O

Awww.... I'm back to my Syaoran mode. =D *Tegoshi and Tsuyoshi lives in me. blushes*

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Why is Kei-chan always speaking so fast?!! I have a hard time trying to catch what he says. =(
Thanks Mo-zi for the news of Oguri Shun voicing in the new Professor Layton Series. =D I went to dig for information straight after seeing the tag.

The new Professor Layton series, 「レイトン教授と最後の時間旅行」 was released in Japan 5 days ago. Oguri Shun played seiyuu for the adult Luke while Maki Horikita as the young Luke. =) Read the full article here!

I can't wait to download the game! Just listening to Oguri's voice will make the game play so much more fun. =)

Maple treated herself to an hour of Tegoshi cum Tegomass picspam last evening. She is a very very happy girl. ^_^V

Monday, December 01, 2008

Happy 51st monthsary to dabian!! =D

Hmm... 51 months is equivalent to.... 1551 days!! O.O Thats so long! XD

I can't load Tegoshi and Tegomass pic spam!!! Thats so saddening! =(

Friday, November 28, 2008

Tegoshi changed his hairstyle! KAWAII!! =D New hairstyle for the new movie. *high-ing in process*

Love that innocent boyish look. =D *continue high-ing* \ (^0^) /

Photo credits to w_tsubasa